Thursday, September 10, 2009

Congestive Cardiac Failure in seniors

Congestive heart failure or CHF is an extremely common disease in aged people, particularly those above seventy years of age. Generally, a healthy heart circulates blood throughout the body within a couple of seconds. However in CHF, the blood backs up into the lungs as well as the rest parts of the body because the heart fails to function properly.

The pumping of inadequate blood because of a heart failure may lead to mild or at times acute physical disorders. If Congestive Cardiac Failure is diagnosed at an early stage then the chances of recovery are more likely. In fact, early detection of congestive cardiac failure can prevent seniors from long term stay in hospital bed. Hospital stay for seniors may turn out to be quite taxing.

People with heart attack, coronary artery disease, an enlarged heart (cardiomyopathy), longstanding or untreated high blood pressure (hypertension), heart valve disease, and those with acute kidney disease are at a greater risk of developing CHF.

The heart enlarges in people with congestive cardiac failure. It is because the heart needs immense strength to pump blood throughout the body. The condition of the heart can be improved if congestive cardiac failure is detected in the initial stage. Routine medications, adequate rest, low intake of salt and stress reduction may help in healing congestive cardiac failure in seniors.
Some of the reasons behind congestive cardiac failure in seniors are as follows:
• Arteriosclerosis
• Myocardial infarction
• Myocarditis
• Ventricular Aneurysm
• Mitral or Aortic Regurgitation
• Atrial or ventricular septal defects
• Hypertension
• Percarditis
• Hyperthyroidism
• Genetic conditions
The symptoms associated with congestive cardiac failure in seniors are as follows:

• Swelling in the ankles
• Swelling in the feet and legs
• Appetite loss
• Tiredness
• Breathing trouble while lying down
• Rapid heart beat
• Rapid and short breathing
• Restlessness
• Hacking or wheezing Cough
• Pain in abdomen
• Swelling in abdomen
• Sudden gain in weight
• Frequent urination during the night
Ensure consulting a physician if you suffer from the problem/problems mentioned above. Your indifference to these symptoms may worsen your condition, thereby leading to serious health hazards.
Using diuretics, moderate activity, dietary and lifestyle changes, removing or limiting the intake of salt and taking potassium supplements helps in the treatment of chronic congestive cardiac failure.
Bed rest and prescribed medicated drugs are some of the treatment involved in acute congestive cardiac failure. People with CHF are more prone to infections and these infections may aggravate their heart condition. The prescribed medicines should be taken on time and the patient needs to consult a physician prior to stopping any medicine. A routine medical follow-up is necessary for managing the chronic disability of congestive cardiac failure. Hence, it would be foolish on your part to cancel pre-scheduled appointment with your doctor.
Untimely treatment of congestive cardiac failure may turn out to be fatal. In other words, an adequate treatment guarantees a longer and healthy life for the patient.